& Rubrics

Small Moments: Writing with Focus, Detail, and Dialogue

BEND I ♦ Writing Small Moment Stories with Independence

Session 1 – Lives Are Full of Stories to Tell
Conference Notes Grid
Chart: How to Write a Story

Session 2 – Planning for Writing: Writers Touch and Tell, Sketch, Then Write
Narrative Writing Checklist, Kindergarten and Grade 1

Session 4 – Stretching Words to Spell Them: Hearing and Recording All Sounds
Planning for Small–Group Instruction

Session 7 – Reading Our Writing Like We Read Our Books
Narrative Writing Checklist, Grades 1 and 2
FIG. 7–1 Emma's first story
FIG. 7–2 Emma's story after she reread
FIG. 7–3 Kidiamary's story
FIG. 7–4 Angelina's story
FIG. 7–5 Taivaun's story

BEND II ♦ Bringing Small Moment Stories to Life

Session 10 – Bringing What's Inside Out: Making Characters Think and Feel
Chart: Ways to Bring Stories to Life!

Session 13 – Editing: Capital Letters and End Marks Help Readers
Narrative Writing Checklist, Grades 1 and 2
FIG. 13–1 Melisa's story
FIG. 13–2 Rawshan's story

BEND III ♦ Studying Other Writers' Craft

Session 14 – Studying a Story to Learn Ways the Author Makes It Special
FIG. 14–1 Eliza's story

Session 16 – Trying Out a Craft Move from a Mentor Text: Writing with Pop-Out Words
FIG. 16–1 Ronald's story

BEND IV ♦ Fixing and Fancying Up Our Best Work

Session 18 – Using All We Know to Revise
FIG. 18–1 George's story with revisions

Session 19 – Editing with a Checklist
Illustrated Editing Checklist

Session 20 - Making Books Ready for the Library
Paper Choice: Back-of-the-Book Blurb Page
FIG. 21–1 Alexa's story
FIG. 21–2 Ella's piece
FIG. 21–3 Chase's story